Minecraft Free Linux Game full download the easy way in native format. Minecraft was release on August 16, 2011.
Genre : Arcade, Platform, Sandbox
Game site : minecraft.net
Developer : Mojang
Publisher : Mojang
Architecture : x86, amd64
Version : 1.7.10 / 1.12.2 / 1.16.5 / 1.18.2 / 1.19.4 / 1.20.2 / 1.20.4
License : Proprietary
Interface language : multilingual
About The Game

Minecraft is a sandbox-like game in which you can build. The game is constantly evolving. Developed by Markus Persson, also known as “Notch”. The game was intended to be a clone of Infiniminer, although Persson wants the gameplay to be more like Dwarf Fortress. In survival mode, building and earning points is the main focus, but it also includes a number of additional features. Such is the presence of hostile monsters, as well as the need to collect resources for the construction of structures and materials for forging tools of work and protection from monsters.
How to Download & Install Minecraft Linux Game
- Click the Download link below and you should already have installed a download client on your system.
- Notification will pop and say “that our site wants to open this application”. Click the button to open the client to let the download begin and wait for it to finish.
- Once Game Minecraft for linux is done downloading, Extract (Unzip) “*******.tar.gz” -if you encounter this file- (To do this you must know how extract .tar.gz Files using Linux Command Line here).
- Right click the ./start.sh, select “Properties”, go to the “Permissions” tab, mark the file as executable. Then just treat it more or less like one of those Setup.exe’s on Windows. Double-click it to run it.
- Have fun and play!
- If you like the game please support the developers by buying it…
More Info:
– OptiFine, Sodium, Iris, Forge and Fabric installed. All mods are optional, you can run the vanilla version of the game without any mods or remove mods you don’t need.
– The -Xmx parameter in startup scripts controls the amount of allocated RAM. And in the launcher there is a separate form for this.
– All versions newer than 1.12.2 work only on 64-bit systems.
– For versions 1.19 and later, you need at least glibc version 2.26.
– There should be no Russian characters (Cyrillic) in the path to the game, otherwise the game will not start.
– For correct operation of older versions of the game (older than 1.17), you need Java 8 (pay attention to the version), with newer versions the game may be unstable or not work at all.
– If you get the error “GLFW error 65543: GLX: Failed to create context: GLXBadFBConfig” when starting the game, run the game this way:
How to play online:
First of all, you can simply try to open the server for the network through the game menu. If it works and people can connect to you, then you don’t have to read any further. If that didn’t work, then read the information below.1. Download the server from here or here
2. Start the server and close it to create the server.properties configuration file
3. Replace eula = false with eula = true in the eula.txt file
4. In the server.properties file , edit the line online-mode = true on online-mode = false
5. Done! Now, after starting the server, you can connect to it using your IP addressLearn more about server settings here.
Do not forget to change the –username LinuxPlayer line in the game launch script to –username Your_Name , since the game does not allow using the same names in multiplayer.
Installation and launch order :
1. Unpack the archive
2. Run the start.sh script or launcher (or other available script)
Linux System Requirements
- Operating system: Linux
- Processor: Dual Core 2 GHz
- RAM: 600 MB of free RAM
- Video card: 128 MB VRAM, OpenGL 2.1 support
- Hard disk: 600 MB
- Additional: Java 8, xrandr (package x11-xserver- utils on Debian / Ubuntu)
Minecraft Linux Free Download
File Size: 4.78 GB
Nice website you have here! Detailed and full of free linux games. Looks I am in linux heaven
Thanks for the free games, lit.
Is no one seeding this torrent?
Still seeded. Just updated with the latest version now you have a choice.
the server websites don’t work anymore, could you pls update them?
how can you donate to this site?
It’s stuck on retrieving metadata.
Hi, can you update the link or something? Apparently there are no seeds..
nvm its working
how can i chage mi skin?
Forge isn’t detecting my mods.
how to play
just get tlauncher you idiota
cuando escribiste ese comentario ya se sabia que tlauncher es malware, no es pregunta sino una afirmacion.
no one is seeding
No one is seeding this unfortunetly.
Please, update this game to 1.20!
works perfectly, altho very few people seeding
can you guys please update it to 1.20
and great work really thanks a lot
Updated the game